Oleh: Marsigit
Reviewed by: Ramadian Radite (09301244020)
Teaching mathematic is not easy because we find that students are also not easy to learn mathematics and there is no one best way to teach mathematics. Obstacles often experienced by teachers: understanding the meaning of the theory, how to apply, the existing system, environmental conditions, and lack of learning facilities. While the difficulties of teachers include: dealing with differences in their students' math skills, encouraging students to actively learn, develop math learning technology, and the final target of achieving a high NEM and the completion of the syllabus are the two main factors why the teacher seemed to have no other alternative except to rely on mathematics teaching method of exposition.
The nature of Mathematics of the 'absolutist' to 'social constructivits': abstract to concrete, formal to informal, objective to subjective, justification to invention, rationality to intuition, reasoning to emotional, general stuff to specific things, theory to practice, work with mind to working with his hands, and so on.
The nature of School Mathematics:
1. Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships.
2. Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition, and discovery.
3. Mathematics is problem solving activities.
4. Mathematics is a tool of communication
The implications of all that nature of the business teachers are encouraging students to conduct discovery, trial, and investigations by drawing conclusions so that students can take the initiative, creativity, respect other people's work and have the mindset of a structured and reflexive. Here teachers act as facilitators who assist students in learning mathematics; logical, consistent, precise, systematic and develop a system of documentation / notes in mathematics; and help encourage students to be more happy and appreciate mathematics.
The nature of Student Learning Mathematics:
1. Students will learn if given the motivation.
2. Students studying in its own way.
3. Students learn independently and through cooperation.
4. Students need the context and circumstances that vary in their learning.
The implications of the nature of the business of teachers is to provide fun activities, in accordance with the purpose of learning, providing challenging activities, respecting each student achievement because students learn in different ways and speeds, students also have socio-economic backgrounds, different cultures. With so expected that students are able to learn to work together, exchanges ideas and respect for others, independent study, creative, good at using props as needed, and understand mathematics by being able to reflect on mathematic activities.