Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Ramadian Radite (09301244020)
Education system from macrofinance shows characteristics of a rigid centralism, with a very strong dominance of bureaucracy, so that at every level of educational stagnation. Creativity or improvisation towards innovation is very difficult because of national education systems tend to follow the guidelines from above. Our current educational system also is still closed so fosters corrupt practices and collusion. From microfinance, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead of the government in implementing education rules. But the importance the role of teachers has not been matched by the government's awareness to empower them. In their position that's needed but did not get attention from the government, many of our teachers have stagnated is not able to develop the creativity of teaching because there is no room for it. Research has been conducted in schools show that teachers prefer to apply the methods of learning as directed the Principal, School Overseer or Supervisor rather than experiment or try other ways, because it is more demikain provide security and peace for them (Marsigit, 1996).
Tilaar (1999: 22) states that the education reform agenda should include: (1) reducing of corruption, collusion, nepotism and cronyism (2) Implement the principle of professionalism (3) Desentralisasion education management and curriculum content (4) Improved quality of basic education and finishingcompulsory 9-year study, Improving the quality of general secondary and vocational schools (6) Improving the quality and autonomy of higher education (7) Development of alternative education (8) Improving the quality of the teaching profession (9) Financing of a democratic education (10) Rules and regulations (11 ) Empowering learners subjects. "Clean educational system" needs to be developed from the central to local level.
Educational reform at the micro-level means of education reform at the level of instructional practices conducted in school classes by teachers. Mathematics is the base of knowledge that exist today. Mathematics cover all aspects of life, because mathematics itself evolved through various problems in real life. There are several approaches to explain mathematics, namely: ontologically, seek understanding according to the deepest roots and basic math facts. Secondly, through the epistemological approach, defines the phrase mathematics through a more understandable thing. The third, through axiological approach, studying the nature and values contained from mathematics. The values of mathematics are developed should be coupled with critical thinking because the math is none other than critical thinking itself.
There are various criteria regarding international standards. In the field of education the standard of both national and international standards can be developed through the realm of curriculum and syllabus, educational ability, readiness support facilities, supporting books, etc.. But to get to the international standards not only about it all, but more than that. At least we can examine the international stantad terms of legality and of the substantial side.
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