Senin, 26 September 2011

Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Di SMP

Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Ramadian Radite (09301244020)

Planning and curriculum development is a job that requires in-depth and comprehensive study to meet the eligibility requirements. Dynamic development of the Indonesian nation today, demanding that the curriculum development needs to pay attention: cutting-edge issues in education, issues that arise in the field, variations in school, educational personnel, interests and abilities of students, as well as the demands of social development, science and technology. The most fundamental issue is how the planning, development and implementation of curriculum in accordance with the teaching and learning activities is expected. Competency-based mathematics education emphasizes the skills that should be possessed by graduates; so that the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of basic standards of competency to competency. Standard of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in the learning of mathematics, whereas the basic competence is an ability at least in the subjects of mathematics that must be possessed by students. Basic competency skills can be affective, cognitive and psychomotor.

Teaching math is not easy because the facts show that students experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics (Jaworski, 1994). Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63) defines the mathematical school, hereinafter referred to as a mathematician, as follows:
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
3. Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving)
4. Mathematics as a tool to communicate

1. Development of Cognitive Aspects
a. Students will learn math if they have the motivation
b. Students learn mathematics in its own way
c. Students learn math either independently or in collaboration with his friend
d. Students need the context and the different situations in the study of mathematics
2. Affective Aspects Hierarchy
3. Psychomotor developmental aspects

 Curriculum based on competency designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to perform the search patterns and relationships; develop creativity with imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem-solving activities; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve such capabilities developed a process that takes into account the context of learning mathematics and its application in everyday life. For all levels of education, mathematics learning materials include (Ebbutt and Straker, 1995):
1. Facts
2. Understanding (concepts)
3. Reasoning skills
4. Algorithmic skills
5. Mathematical problem-solving skills
6. Skills investigation (investigation)

Experiences and learning activities are activities that students need to be done in order to achieve the basic competencies and learning materials. The learning experience can be obtained both within and outside the classroom. The learning experience students need to be supported by the availability of source material, either a direct object or indirect object that is contextual. Development and learning experiences is the essence of competency-based mathematics curriculum, in which contained the study of the characteristics of mathematics, learners and learning mathematics subjects.

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